

Risk Management

What is it? To help the team identifying and evaluating risks (potential issues) and finding actions to avoid or minimise their impact on time, cost and or scope. Why use it? It will reduce the likelihood of the event to happen and reduce the magnitude of its impact How to do it? The best approach to identifying risks is to arrange a workshop where the participants will brainstorm on potential, future risks First, risks needs to be identified which can have an impact to the project or outcome Some example of risks are: Inadequate delivery capability (due to team experience, lack of inconsistent methodology or process) Ineffective delivery (due to unclear roles & responsibilities, issues not being escalated) Inadequate management of stakeholders (due to expectations not being identified) Unclear project or activity value (due to poor evaluation of business ownership of benefits) Resource limitations (due to skill shortages) Failure to recognise & manage dependencies (due to lack of communication) Failure of external vendors / suppliers (due to poor engagement) Next, the risks need to be rated based on likelihood and impact at the present time Once the risks have been rated, mitigation strategies need to identified.


What is it? An event where stakeholders and interested parties are given a demonstration of recent work performed by a team. The latest increment of the product with new features built by the the team is showcased. The event also provides an opportunity to review all other work (including non-functional progress) performed by the team. It is often performed at the end of an iteration (and known as a Sprint Review or Iteration Demo) but can be performed at key milestones in the life of the product and, indeed, can be scheduled at any time where feedback would be useful.

Celebrating Failure

What is it? We find it easy to celebrate and share our success stories. Celebrating failure is all about bringing the team together in an informal and safe environment, where team members can share stories of products that went wrong and the reasons why. It can also be used during the development of a product if and when failures occur, so the collective team have awareness of the root causes.

Team Workspaces

What is it? This article contains a collection of best practices and lessons learned from real facilities build-out of global, permanent labs facilities, as well as experiences building temporary, ‘pop-up’ team spaces. Why use it? Intentionally designing workspace can greatly influence the way your teams can get things done. Overall Space Recommendations Open Plan The open workspace plan allows for open, immediate, and constant inter / intra communication among teams and team members.

Backlog Refinement

What is It? Having a conversation to provide clarity surrounding the detail or conditions of satisfaction for work items in the backlog Identifying priority for work items in the backlog Sometimes called “Backlog Grooming” Why use it? Drive team shared understanding of work items in regards to: Scope of work in the backlog Conditions of satisfaction Prioritization of what to do first How often should it occur and for how long?

Confidence Voting

What is it? A practice that gains consensus around a team’s agreement or disagreement on the current activity, event or questions A group voting on how confident they are in doing something or learning something A safety check Why use it? Builds a consensus for team agreement to progress or not progress