


What is it? Using Everything-as-Code by putting all infrastructure and configuration data into code, applications can be deployed in a repeatable and reliable fashion. Put it into action! Deploy code in one environment, and then re-deploy into another environment. Or destroy the first one and re-deploy :D Practice on a cadence (1-3 weeks) in order to catch all the bugs! Keep repeating until all the bugs are caught! It gets easier each time, and everyone on the team should practice it for a shared understanding.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

What is it? Minimal Viable Product (MVP) refers the the minimum amount that can be produced and still obtain value. This value does NOT have to come in the form of something released to the public. This can come in closed user testing, in which the value we gain is the feedback we receive. To that end many in the Agile community advocate for the term Earliest Testable Product (ETP), rather than MVP.

Systemic Consensing

What is it? A method helping to make sustainable decisions in groups of any size without conflict. Consensing aims at the consideration of all voices of a group, including those of the reserved or silent group members. The group members first develop as many suggestions as possible. After that, for each proposal its objection is measured by the whole group. The proposals are sorted according to this objection. Consensing does not require agreement, affirmation or even preference.

Contract-First Development

What is it? Contract-First Development is about making your intent clear across team members and external teams. By using a tool like OpenAPI, we can define our programming API clearly at the outset. We also update the “contract” before we implement changes to the code. Contract-First Development Why use it? So that everyone can be productive in parallel AND we can have strong guarantees of the resulting applications working together properly.

Open Leadership Mindset

What is it? Open leadership is a blend of mindsets, behaviors, and practices that enable people to thrive and contribute in an open organization. Leadership is not a position. The opportunity to lead is open to everyone. The role a person holds in the organization provides expression and amplification of their leadership behaviors, for good or for bad. Open leaders default to open in their thinking and their actions. Open leaders believe:

Establish Shared Principles

What is it? While it might be bizarre to say “Principles over Practices” in an article that is part of the “Open Practice Library’, that is exactly what this “Practice” is all about. Establishing a set of shared principles for yourself or your organization that is derived from your purpose and values and use those to guide you in the practices that you do every day. You can think of Practices as the tip of the iceberg that is above the water, these are the ceremonies we do every day in our work.